Burning the Ships: Intellectual Property and the Transformation of Microsoft 前編

Burning the Ships: Intellectual Property and the Transformation of Microsoft (ハードカバー)
kindleで読めるintellectual propertyの本を検索していて、面白そうだったので買ってみた。著者のMarshall Phelpsは、IBMに28年在籍して、特許のライセンス関連で年間20億ドルの収益を上げていた人である。この人は、その後2003年にマイクロソフトに入って、独占から協力する方向へ大きく戦略の転換させた。これは、その辺りのことが書かれた本である。

Chapter 1 The Collaboration Imperative. (IBM時代に特許で年間20億ドル稼いでいた頃の話。)
Chapter 2 Like Cortez Burning His Ships.(NAPclause(マイクロソフトを訴えない契約)を捨てる。)
Chapter 3 Money Isn’t Money Anymore.(東芝との提携)
Chapter 4 A Very Secret Mission.(Novellとの提携)
Chapter 5 Leadership Starts at the Top.(ビルゲイツが果たした役割)
Chapter 6 The Road Ahead (with Apologies to Bill Gates). (アメリカの特許法を振り返る)


Chapter 1


Why not give me 10 of them—along with some scanning, tunneling microscopes so they can analyze the chips being made by our competitors? And I'll bet you I can make 25 million bucks for your division.


The point being that intellectual property should always serve the business, not be the business.


Just as good fences made good neighbors, strong IP rights would make for strong and successful collaborations.


Chapter 2


the NAP clause required PC and device makers, and other original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) who licensed Windows, to agree not to sue Microsoft or each other for patent infringement after they had already begun shipping a new version of Microsoft's software.

NAP(non-assertion of patents)とは、過去にいろいろな会社に訴えられて困ったマイクロソフトがとった手段である。WindowsのOEM契約の際に、特許権を行使しない条項を盛り込ませて、嫌がるところとは契約しないってことをしてたみたい。

He concluded that we did, indeed, have a viable alternative to NAP—a fact later proved by our successful cross-license agreements with such major OEMS as Toshiba, NEC, Samsung, Siemens, and others.

クロスライセンスで頑張るぞってことみたい。で、このNAPをやめることを、スペイン軍がラテンアメリカに進出したときに退路を断つために船を焼き払ったことになぞらえて、タイトルのBurning the shipsと呼んでいる。

chapter 3


The problem was that our patent portfolio was still small compared to those held by companies of Toshiba's size and influence—a mere 5,000 issued U.S. and international patents compared to Toshiba's 18,000—and hence Toshiba might reasonably wonder what benefits a deal offered them.


Kelley countered by pointing out that we had no need for patent coverage under certain of their technologies, such as their nuclear patents. In addition, she noted that while Toshiba's patents were more numerous, they were largely hardware based, whereas, going forward, the greatest mutual value would lay in software. Finally, theam members stressed that although Microsoft's portfolio was still smaller than theirs, we had greatly intensified our innovation and patenting efforts and would soon have a very large IP portfolio to share with them.


Kelley's team also reaffirmed its support for Toshiba in its battle with Sony over DVD formats. As she put it, "We let them know that Microsoft would stick with them till the end."




They would also later give one of the negotiators, whom they knew had young children, a gift of anpan ― a sweet bun treat filled with a bean paste that is popular with Japanese children.