Burning the Ships: Intellectual Property and the Transformation of Microsoft 後編


Chapter 4


That's because they saw the conflict between proprietary and open source software not as a market competition between two differing business models, software approaches, and philosophical views of innovation. Rather, they viewed the open source and proprietary software divide as a moral and political war.


All they wanted was for Linux and Windows to work together more smoothly. They also wanted to stop worrying about the potential legal liabilities involved in using software that was the subject of IP disputes.

両方をスムーズに活用したい。知財関係で面倒なことになるのはやだよ。なんて要望が出てくる。linuxベンダー側に対しても同様の要望があり、マイクロソフトRedhat Linuxと協議したが、交渉決裂となった。その後Novellと提携すべく協議に入った。

we did not want to let everyone else in the world get a free ride on Microsoft's hard-earned and costly to develop R&D. Nonetheless, we saw the GPL license as a starting point for discussion.


"When we got to talking about the benefits of a Microsoft-Novell collaboration from the standpoint of customers, the mood improved dramatically. That's because it was pretty clear that those benefits would be substantial—as would the benefits to both of businesses."


a successful deal would require three distinct but related agreements—one each for patent cooperation, technical collaboration, and business collaboration.


We had hammered out a plan to create a joint research facility staffed by employees from both companies.


Novell would pay a running royalty to Microsoft for revenue generated by the distribution of its SUSE Linux subscriptions, because at least initially these would be the only Linux subscriptions that respected Microsoft's patents.

Novellは、ソフトウェア自体に対してユーザからお金を取ってないので、そもそもマイクロソフトにどのくらい払ったらいいんだというビジネス上の問題があるが、これは、SUSE Linuxサブスクリプションに基づいてやりましょうということになった。

open source royalty plan would not comply with their obligations under the general public license(GPL).


while the GPL precluded a direct patent license involving a running royalty between Microsoft and Novell, there was nothing in it that prevented Novell from paying to Microsoft a running royalty for a covenant-not-to-sue that Microsoft provided directly to Novell's customers. In other words, from a legal perspective this new patent covenant would never run through Novell at all, so it would not run afoul of the GPL.


"He looked down at me—he's a big guy—and with this really intense look on his face he whispered three words: 'Make this work!'"


Chapter 5


My dad was a lawyer, and so I guess I've always had an interest in legal-related issues. And then also the complexities of the intellectual property system have always fascinated me.


Chapter 6


In effect, the IP organization serves as a kind of "transmission belt" for strategic and tactical dialogue about IP between the executive suite and the business units dealing with their various R&D, marketing, business development, and communications challenges.


Not that software holy warriors like Richard Stallman and Eben Moglen don't keep trying.

MicrosoftはNovellと提携したけど、この理想主義者のholy warriorsは戦い続けるだろう、と述べている。


マイクロソフト知財戦略が大きく転換していくのが非常にわかりやすく描かれていて、臨場感があって面白かった。3月のハーバードビジネスレビューに登場しているIntellectual Ventures(IV)は、この本にもちょくちょく出ている元マイクロソフトCTOのNathan Myhrvoldが立ち上げたものだし、IVからはRPXとかいうまた新しい会社が出てきてるし、著者のマーシャル・フェルプスは、特許賞金稼ぎのArticle One Partnersのボードメンバーになったし、新しい動きというのはどうやらこの周辺で起きているのではないかと感じる。そう考えると、彼らのバックグラウンドに何があるか、彼らの原体験は何なのかを垣間見られるこの本は実に貴重だろう。マイクロソフトがソフトウェアで起こしたような地殻変動が特許の世界でも起こるのか、それとも彼らは資金がショートして解散するのか、そこのところがよくわからないけど、今いろいろなことが起きていて個人的に非常に面白い分野だと感じている。著者がIBMにいたときとMicrosoftに来てからでは、目的が違うから当然といえば当然だけど、アプローチの仕方が全然違っていて面白いと思った。何がやりたいのかによってやり方というのは当然変わってくるわけで、自分が何をやりたいのかわからずにやってもあんまり意味ないなあなんてことを考えた。見晴らしの良い場所で何を見て何を感じ取ってどう行動に移すか。大切なことは相変わらずそういうことなんだろう。
Burning the Ships: Intellectual Property and the Transformation of Microsoft (ハードカバー)